Bat Music
This short soundscape was created for the walking performance Jack Scout by Louise Ann Wilson and Nigel Stewart. The audience was led by the 'Heath Guide' into a small area of enclosing bushes containing an installation of items from the woods and the shoreline. In performance, there were two separate tracks played from two small hand-held mp3 players held by members of the cast, so the mix and the spatialisation were slightly different on each occasion.
The soundscape is made up from a number of recordings of hunting bats. The recordings were all made at Jack Scout, Silverdale, Lancashire, UK, at dusk using a Magenta Bat4 bat detector.
- Jack Scout, Jack Scout, Silverdale, Lancashire, 17-26 September 2010
- Broadcast in Framework: afield on Resonance FM on 11 September 2011
- Included in a playlist to accompany a presentation on bats and echolocation at the Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Tartu, Estonia, 30 November 2011
- Presented (on headphones) in The Beauty in Science, The Storey, Lancaster, 20 September - 12 October 2013